Find out how and why we partner with other organisations.

The Neighbourhood Network works closely with the local policing teams in order to support its groups. Examples of partnership work includes introducing new community groups to their local PCSO, advising a member group of a police personnel change within their local area, supporting Humberside Police on their Demand Reduction initiatives, along with working on online awareness sessions covering a variety of topics which includes; cyber, fraud, home security, allotment security and crime prevention.
The Neighbourhood Network is a communicator of police messages, whether it is the sharing of a witness appeal within its weekly newsletter or the sharing of a safety campaign on its social media accounts.
Current projects where the Neighbourhood Network is partnership working with Humberside Police include the new cycle crime reduction initiative, where the network is providing discounted cycle locks and both organisations working together to reduce retail crime in some areas of the city in the form of ‘Business Watches’.

The Neighbourhood Network believes that it can play a valuable role in aiding achievement of the outcomes that are set within Humberside’s Police and Crime Commissioner’s Police and Crime Plan; Reducing Crime – Improve Visibility and Accessibility; Protect the Public and Improve Safety – Empower and Enable local Communities to work together with the police and other agencies to solve problems locally and Improve the Quality of Service for Victims – Supporting Victim Recover and Expand Restorative Justice and Community Payback so that offenders are seen to pay for their crimes in their local communities.
The aims of the Neighbourhood Network charity run along the important Police and Crime Plan.
The office of the Humberside Police and Crime Commissioner has been supportive of the charity and donated core funding so that the work of the Neighbourhood Network can have some sustainability.

The Neighbourhood Network team is keen to pass key safety messages from Humberside Fire and Rescue to its members, whether these are by including recent campaign in the weekly newsletter or by sharing messages on the social media platforms.
In November 2016 the Neighbourhood Network was involved in a Fire Action Safety day on the Bransholme West Ward. This action day was in response to a spike in arson related incidents in the area. 165 houses were visited and given fire safety advice, crime prevention advice and Neighbourhood Network information. 50 home safety referrals were identified and passed to Humberside Police, with 17 being completed on the day.
The Neighbourhood Network is currently working with Humberside Fire and Rescue, amongst other safety partners to reproduce a new community safety booklet

The Neighbourhood Network prides itself on connecting people across the city with key personnel which includes the different staff contacts within Hull City Council. By linking not only our member groups to key Council personnel, but also sharing our group member contacts with Hull City Council, this enables them to reach out and engage with residents.
We empower residents and groups to report issues to resolve them rather than tolerate them, this could be issues such as anti social behaviour, fly tipping or other issues which are affecting neighbourhoods. We encourage our member groups to reach out and discuss issues with their ward councillors.
The Neighbourhood Network shares weekly news and events on behalf of Hull City Council offering a wider reach within the communities of Hull.

The Neighbourhood Network works closely with Hull's key Community Safety Partners to bring together a collective working partnership, sharing local campaigns and work streams to deliver joint projects and sharing joint communication messages to improved the lives of Hull residents. We are part of a number of citywide collective working groups, such as the Safer Hull Engagement and Communication group, Fraud Forum, Health & Wellbeing Engagement group, Older Peoples Partnership and many more.
These partnerships not only help to improve distribution of key safety messages but also enables different organisations to work together to achieve the same aims and objectives and target a wider audience.
The Neighbourhood Network continues to develop its partnership work and shares regular weekly news and events on behalf of Hull Community Safety Partnership offering a wider reach within the communities of Hull.

The Neighbourhood Network attends national Neighbourhood Watch conferences, keeping up to date with news and developments. Sharing best practices and linking with other organisations across the country.
One of the more recent developments that the Neighbourhood Watch has been involved in is the creation of the new Humber Watch Association. Created and formed by Neighbourhood Network, VANEL, East Riding of Yorkshire Council and North Lincolnshire Council, a partnership which will see the development of a stronger brand for all Neighbourhood Watch groups who reside within the Humberside area. This was set up to share best practice, the opportunity to work on initiatives together and to share the brand resources across the force area.

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