April sees the welcome return of lighter nights and hopefully better weather, so the Menopaus'ull team have organised events to make you feel good, eat well and venture out into the great outdoors!
This month's webinars will include:
• Personal Trainer Neil Thompson who will be delivering a strength and conditioning online workout
• Personal Trainer Carly Killen who will be discussing how we can get the right nutrients by eating the right food to help us feel better, inside and out!
The Menopaus'ull team would like to invite you to their Menopaus'ull Walk and Talk sessions. The team will be hosting two sessions (East Hull & West Hull) so why not join them in the great outdoors for some good conversations whilst burning a few calories all at the same time!
Thank you to everyone who has contacted the team regarding the Menopaus'ull Library, currently all books are out on loan, once they become available they will let you know through their Facebook group and via this newsletter.
If you missed any March webinars, these sessions are now on the Neighbourhood Network website and YouTube channel. If you managed to miss them, why not check them out!
Menopaus’ull Resources | Neighbourhood Network Hull (nnetwork.org.uk)
Please email support@mnetwork.org.uk for more information, suggestions for the project or to book your places on the webinars.