SPAR’s £100,000 Community Cashback Campaign 2024 Invites UK Entries
19th April 2024Join us for our next HU7 Healthy Hearts programme.
24th April 2024Fitton Trust
The Fitton Trust is a small charity that has a limited amount of income that it provides as small grants to support general charitable purposes.
Objectives of Fund
The aim of the charity are to benefit by way of grants such legally charitable institutions as the trustees shall in their absolute discretion think fit.
Value Notes
Funding is at the discretion of the Trustees.
Most grants tend to be between £150 and £350.
Around 275 charities received a grant last year.
Match Funding Restrictions
Match funding is not a specified requirement.
Who Can Apply
UK registered charitable organisations in the UK can apply.
Applicants are advised to contact the Trust to confirm that exclusions do not apply.
Eligible Expenditure
Costs associated with eligible projects.
How To Apply
The Trust does not have a website or publish any contact details other than the postal address.
The Trustees meet three times a year (usually in April, August and December) to consider applications.
Groups should write to the Fitton Trust for further information on how to apply and any restrictions to the funding.
For further information on how to obtain this fund, please contact the following:
Fitton Trust
Po Box 289