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16th June 2023
Two Ridings Community Foundation – Small Grants
16th June 2023PRS Foundation – Open Fund for Organisations

Grants are available for not-for-profit organisations based in the UK to support new music projects led by promoters, large performance groups, talent development organisations, venues, festivals and curators.
Current Status: Open for Applications
Maximum value: £ 10,000
Objectives of Fund
The funding is intended to help support, sustain and promote the growth of the new music infrastructure in the UK.
The Foundation’s funding priorities are:
- To support the creation and performance of outstanding new music in any genre.
- To enable the UK’s most talented music creators to realise their potential.
- To inspire audiences at a local, regional, national and international level.
Value Notes
Organisations may apply for up to £10,000.
Administration costs relating to the project can normally be funded to a maximum of 15% of total budget.
Who Can Apply
Applications to the Open Fund for Organisations are accepted from any not-for-profit organisations based in the UK with an eligible project. This includes:
- Organisations that are limited by guarantee and/or a registered charity.
- Promoters.
- Talent development or composer development organisations.
- Festivals.
- Venues.
- Curators.
- Orchestras and large ensembles.
- Community interest companies (CICs).
- Non-music organisations including local authorities, museums, etc.
Eligible organisations can support one or more music creator(s). If the organisation’s selected music creator(s) has received support in the last 12 months – whether directly as a music creator or indirectly via an organisation – the Foundation may prioritise other projects.
The following are considered by PRS Foundation to be music creators:
- Songwriters.
- Composers.
- Artists, bands, producers and performers who are writing their own music or commissioning other songwriters or composers.
Eligible Expenditure
The Open Fund for Organisations supports high-quality new music projects and not programmes. Projects must involve the creation, performance and promotion of new music and enable songwriters, composers, artists, bands and performers of all backgrounds to develop creatively and professionally.
The Foundation will prioritise expenditure that will have a direct and obvious impact on music creator development.
Projects must fit with all three of the Foundation’s funding priorities:
- To support the creation, performance and promotion of outstanding new music in any genre
The Foundation is particularly interested in the quality of the music. - To enable the UK’s most talented music creators to realise their potential
The Foundation is interested in how projects will develop the songwriters and composers involved and is committed to supporting UK-based songwriters and composers of all backgrounds. - To inspire audiences
Applicants will be asked to outline who they are reaching and how. This includes audiences at a local, regional, national or international level.
How To Apply
The deadline for applications is 10 July 2023 (6pm).
The Open Fund for Organisations has a one-stage application process. Applicants must provide details about the project, how it will benefit the creators involved, the activity timeline and balanced budget in one application form.
The online application form can be found on the Foundation’s website.
Contact the PRS Foundation for further information.
For more information on this fund Foundation website https://prsfoundation.com/