Maritime Community Grant
2nd December 2022
Hull City Council Waste Pack survey
2nd December 2022Delamere Dairy Foundation

Grants are available to charitable and community organisations in England, Scotland and Wales to support projects that deliver benefits for local communities.
Current Status; Open for Applications
Maximum value: £ 5,000
Objectives of Fund
The funding is intended to support the work of charities and organisations whose purpose fits with the objects of the Delamere Dairy Foundation for the benefit of the public, namely:
- The advancement of agriculture and of environmental protection.
- The advancement in life of young people by developing their capabilities so that they may mature as contributory members of society.
- The relief of financial hardship.
- The advancement of education.
- The relief of sickness.
Value Notes
Grants of between £250 and £5,000 are available.
Charities and organisations may apply once per calendar year.
If project-based funding is being applied for, then the project must last no more than 12 months.
Who Can Apply
Applications will be accepted from charities, community groups and social enterprises based in England, Scotland and Wales.
To be eligible the organisation must:
- Have a constitution or governing document.
- Have a bank account.
New groups without a constitution or bank account will need to nominate an established group that will be responsible for holding and administering the grant on their behalf.
For more details on this fund please visit https://delameredairyfoundation.org.uk/