New community parks improvement strategy to be heard by councillors
18th November 2022
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18th November 2022Free Cancer Champion Awareness Sessions

Humber and North Yorkshire Cancer Alliance FREE cancer awareness sessions for November are now available to book onto.
Learn how to spot the early signs of cancer that can support early diagnosis and help to save lives. We’ll also teach you about cancer prevention, national cancer screening programmes, and much more!
Jo Foster Head of Health and Social Care at Wyke Sixth Form College undertook the training with a group of students and said: “Our students can now not only talk to their friends and family about cancer they can also take this training forward in their careers”. To sign up or, to organise a bespoke session for your organisation, visit www.hnycanceralliance.org.uk/cancerchampions. You can also email hny.cancerchampions@nhs.net or call 07519 120809.