Healthier Together Survey
21st February 2023
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24th February 2023Hull CVS Training Bursary Fund

The Hull CVS Training Bursary Fund aims to assist VCSE organisation in Hull to access free high quality training or conference places for their staff and volunteers to enhance workforce development and overall
The Hull CVS Training Bursary Fund aims to assist VCSE Organisation in Hull to access free high quality training or conference places for their staff and volunteers to enhance workforce development and overall organisational performance.
They will pay the costs for Hull CVS or Sector Connect Hull training of up to a maximum of £50 per delegate (a full day training event) and eligible organisations can access up to £250 per year.
Organisations can also apply for up to £100 for Conference places and could apply for a mixture of training and contribution to a conference. Find out more click https://hullcvs.org.uk/training-bursary-fund/