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22nd August 2022Hull: Three in custody following robbery on Tilbury Road
22nd August 2022Hull: Op Yellowfin – Motorcycle crimes tackled by dedicated team
The Neighbourhood Policing Teams across Hull have continued to work hard to identify and target those who cause motorcycle-related crime and antisocial behaviour.
PC Adam Barley has been speaking about the issues and how they are working with their community to seek out those who are illegally riding motorcycles and causing anti-social behaviour in our communities.
Adam said:, “Throughout the summer, our local teams have been receiving information from the public about the ongoing issues of nuisance motorcycles and the associated criminality.
“We know we cannot be everywhere at once and rely on the eyes and ears of the public to report incidents to us. Please, if you see anything that we need to be aware of, call us on 101. If there is a crime in progress or a risk to life always call 999.
“Over the past months, dozens of bikes have been seized or recovered. We know the issues increase in the summer and have targeted action to deal with these issues. In the past few weeks alone, officers have recovered several stolen bikes and seized bikes which are being ridden in an antisocial way.
“The problems of criminals stealing bikes continues to be something we are sadly having reported all too often. The types of bikes that are being stolen tend to be 50-125cc bikes due to their accessibility and manoeuvrability.
“Often these bikes are owned by young people and are their only form of transport and without them they can’t do their jobs or get to college or work.
“It’s not fair on those honest owners who get their bikes stolen. We will do what we can to find their bikes and always encourage people to report their bike as stolen. Don’t think we won’t do anything about it, we will do everything we can to find the offender and to recover the bike.
“We, as much as you, know the injustice of someone stealing your bike and want to help those riders in the significant majority who do things the right way. We support our motorcycle communities who obtain a driving licence, insurance and an MOT and ride their bikes with care and consideration for their own safety and that of other road users.
“I would remind all motorbike owners to keep their bikes secure, here are some motorcycle security tips,:”
Always secure your motorcycle with the fork and ignition locks, remembering to remove the keys.
Set the alarm and immobiliser every time you leave it unattended. Don’t have an alarm? Consider having one fitted and look for it to be Thatcham or equivalent security graded.
Invest in a quality Sold Secure chain and padlock and always lock the bike to an immovable object, like a bike park securing rail or a ground anchor.
Chain and anchor the bike even when storing it in a garage or shed at home, and consider fitting a disc lock.
To find out more on how to keep your bike safe head over to the Humberside Police website: https://www.humberside.police.uk/protect-your-motorbike
PC Adam Barley continued:, “Officers have been working hard in our communities to build good relations with residents to offer help and advice about motorcycle- related crime. We continue to need the support of our communities to tell us about issues near to them. If you have anything that we need to investigate please call us on 101.
“We also want to hear from you if you know where stolen or illegal bikes are being stored. If you have any information about motorcycle- related crime and anti-social behaviour, call us on 101 quoting Op Yellowfin.
“We know sometimes people don’t want to report this directly to the police so they can report anything like this anonymously to the independent charity CrimeStoppers on 0800 555 111 or by visiting our website for more information.”
Read more about OpYellowfin