MMR Community Vaccination Clinics are now happening in Hull
4th April 2024
KCOM Community Grant
4th April 2024Jack and the Beanstalk at St Mikes Youth Centre

The staff and young people of St. Michael’s Youth Project and members of On The Edge Community Arts are working on a new version of Jack and the Beanstalk which will be performed on Sat 27th-Sun 28th April at St Michael’s Youth Centre (opposite Orchard Park shops).
This community production is suitable for all the family, and will include the young people putting on some amazing dance routines that they have devised especially for this show.
Ticket prices have been set as low as possible at £3 per person to enable plenty of people to treat themselves to a fun time at the theatre. Every child will receive a free bag of sweets on arrival.
You can purchase tickets in person at St Michael’s Youth Centre or call 07552 350123 to book or reserve tickets.
Tickets also available online, but they do carry a 30p booking fee