30.04.24 -Humberside Police and Crime Commissioner Hustings Event
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19th April 2024‘Look Again’ campaign comes to an end but exploitation must still be reported
Latest campaign comes to an end but members of the public are encouraged to continue to Look Again – Humberside Police
Over the course of the last four weeks, the Humberside Police have been sharing messages across a wide variety of platforms including social media, digital screens, buses across the force area, and through Spotify audio advertising as well as Snapchat, encouraging people to look out for the signs of exploitation.
Insp Reuben said: “This has been a brilliant opportunity for us to share information with the public and local businesses and continue to work closely with our partners to raise awareness of child sexual and criminal exploitation and the importance of reporting information to us
“When we get this information, we use it to build up the bigger picture so that we can fully understand the situation and any offences that are being committed. We then put a full evidence package together, enabling us to put offenders before the courts.
“Whilst we always act immediately to safeguard and protect vulnerable victims, sometimes the wider activity might not be immediately evident to the public or even the person who has reported the information to us.
“But I would like to offer my reassurance that the information that we get from the public is always investigated and is often essential to help us tackle exploitation.”
For more information, click here.