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27th January 2023Supporting someone through Cancer – World Cancer Day 2023

To mark World Cancer Day 2023, on Saturday 4th February, Humber and North Yorkshire Cancer Alliance are supporting the theme of #closethecaregap by launching our ‘Supporting someone you know through cancer’ resource and are delivering online awareness sessions about this.
Since they started delivering Cancer Champions awareness sessions, they have often been asked for guidance about how people can support someone they know, which is why the resource was developed. The document has been developed in conjunction with their partners and patient and carer representatives from the Humber and North Yorkshire Cancer Alliance.
The aim of the awareness sessions and supporting digital resource is to:
- highlight some of the support services and organisations which are available for people,
- help people feel confident in providing relevant support to someone who has cancer, and
- help people to engage in conversations about cancer.
Sessions are to be delivered online and are open to anyone living or working in Humber and North Yorkshire, not just Cancer Champions. To reserve your place for our 45 minute session, please visit our Eventbrite page.
If you have any questions about this, please contact the Cancer Champions Team at hny.cancerchampions@nhs.net.