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23rd February 2024Free Money Matters Psycho-Educational Group Sessions available
23rd February 2024Understanding your pension webinar
A webinar for those with defined pension contributions – Thursday 22 February, 11am-12pm
Saving for your retirement is important – it’s also important to understand how the actions you take now could impact your future.
MoneyHelper is offering an informative webinar. A pensions specialist will explain the different types of pensions available, how they work helping you to understand what to expect in your retirement, with time for your questions too.
A webinar for those with defined benefits – Tuesday 27 February, 11-11:45am
Have you worked or are working in the public sector or have a final salary pension scheme it is likely that you know that as a defined benefit scheme, if so, this webinar is for you.
This webinar will offer an overview deliver by a pensions expert explaining how defined benefit pensions work, the different types of pensions available and what to expect during your retirement.
Click here to register for this webinar.