Does your CCTV camera meet the Police’s requirements?
21st March 2024Easter Half Term SEN sessions!
21st March 2024Increase of Hanoi burglaries
Humberside Police have seen an increase in Hanoi burglaries, this is the name given to a burglary where vehicle keys are taken during the burglary, and a vehicle is then stolen.
A Hanoi burglary used to be an opportunist offence, where vehicle keys would be located during the burglary and the offender decided to take the vehicle at that point. They are now seeing a change in offender behaviour, in that vehicles are being identified outside an address, and a burglary is taking place specifically to steal the keys to that vehicle, and the vehicle itself.
Vehicles that are being targeted are high powered vehicles, such as BMW’s and Audi’s, but there are other car makes that are targeted as well.
So, what can you do to reduce the chance of becoming a victim of this type of offence.
Remember that offenders use the vehicles keys, so any vehicle alarm or built in security measures will be turned off by them.
· Lock your house doors and windows.
· Consider fitting anti-lock snap lock cylinders in your external doors.
· If you have a house alarm, ensure it is set.
· Ensure your vehicle keys aren’t left in plain sight, or in an easy to find location.
· Park your vehicle in a locked and alarmed garage if that is an option.
· Use physical security products such as Secured by Design approved steering wheel locks.
· If you have gates, consider closing and locking them.
· The use of a vehicle bollard provides a good visible deterrent.
· Consider CCTV that will alert you to movement near your car.
· Consider fitting a vehicle tracker.
· Report any suspicious behaviour to the Police.
Additional crime prevention advice can be found on the Secured by Design Website. here