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28th July 2023Reduce the risk of your phone being stolen!

The majority of people reading this message will own or have access to a mobile phone, and because the number of owners is so big, mobile phone thefts has been rising year on year across the country.
This can be worrying as smart phones contain so much information, but there are some tips for you to reduce the risk of your mobile phone or data being stolen, and assist to locate your phone should it be stolen.
· Don’t leave your phone unattended, out of your sight, or left on a table. Thieves can grab a phone from a table in seconds.
· If your mobile phone is in a bag, ensure that the bag is closed, thieves operate in busy locations such as train stations and shopping centres and do target people with open bags.
· Be aware of your surroundings and only use your mobile when it feels safe to do so, thieves do try and grab phones out of peoples hands.
· Consider using a phone case with a wrist strap
· When you’ve finished using it, ensure it is put away securely
· Consider using an anti theft app
· When at home, don’t leave your phone in clear view or near an open window.
Make sure that you use the phones security system, phone systems do vary but some options that are available can include.
· a unique PIN (Don’t use easily guessed PINS such as 0000 or 1111). The more numbers used, the more difficult your phone is to access.
· password-protected, fingerprint or facial recognition access
· ability to locate a lost or stolen phone
· the facility to remotely wipe your phone’s data and/or block the handset’s functionality
· a way to prevent any unauthorised reset of security features.
Information that you should record in a safe location is –
· Your phones IMEI number, this can be obtained by typing *#06# on your phone.
· The make and model of your phone
· These can be stored on line by opening a free account here.
Other options you could consider are –
· Downloading additional phone tracking apps so you can see where your phone is from another device.
· Turn off message previews so thieves won’t see any messages about reset or login codes when your phone is locked.
To make sure you can still access your data if your phone is stolen, some options to consider are –
· Allow your phone to back up data regularly either automatically over WIFI or by plugging into a computer.
· Ensure there is somewhere else that you can get access codes sent to (tow-factor authentication codes) to access data from your mobile device.
· you keep important information like family and friends’ phone numbers and passwords somewhere else secure, not just on your phone
Your phone is not the only thing that can be stolen, the data on your phone can also be accessed –
· Make sure you keep your phones operating system updated as updates can include security patches.
· Keep apps updated, as again, the updates can plug security holes in the apps.
· It is advisable not to download apps from unknown sites as they can contain programs that access your data.
· Consider using a Virtual Private Network (VPN), a technique that encrypts your data before it is sent across the Internet. Make sure you only use a VPN from a reputable service provider.
· Don’t connect to unknown WIFI hotspots, for example in public places, hotels or coffee shops. If you do connect to such hotspots, then someone could access what you’re working on whilst connected and your private login details that many apps and web services maintain. · Rather than connecting to WIFI hotspots consider using your mobile phone 3G/4G/5G connection which will have built in security

Share this post with you friends & family, to reduce the risk & secure the safety of everyone’s phone!