Hull CVS Training Programme for this Spring
10th January 2024
Police Funding Survey 2024-25
10th January 2024The Hull 10K is back & they need you to volunteer!

The Hull 10K is BACK for 2024! They will be holding this fantastic event on again Sunday 9th June 2024! But they need your help to make next year even bigger and better than ever before!
They are looking for volunteers to support the event on the day in multiple roles such as route marshals, finish processing, baggage, race office and drink stations. They would absolutely love to have your support for this event so please let them know if you are interested.
You can sign up directly through Active.
In return, you’ll be given a free racing entry for any of the other 10K’s across Yorkshire, so if you fancy doing the York or Leeds 10K, then you’ll have a FREE racing entry, just for helping out with the Hull 10K!