Are you ready for Neighbourhood Watch Week 2023
16th May 2023Cybercrime volunteer with Fraudwatch and Humberside Police
16th May 2023Volunteering opportunities with Humberside Police & Crime Commissioner
The Office of the Police and Crime Commissioner are hosting an event to showcase the volunteering roles that they currently have available.
When: Wednesday 7th June 2023
Time: 5:30pm to 8:00pm
Location: West Hull – Venue TBC
Roles include:
Independent Custody Visitors – Volunteers make unannounced visits to the two custody suites in Hull and Grimsby, to check and report on the welfare of detainees and the conditions in which they are held.
Police Powers Scrutiny Panel – Volunteers scrutinise the use of police powers, which includes Stop and Search and the use of force.
Hate Crime Scrutiny Panel – Volunteers scrutinise hate crimes and incidents to identify themes and trends, and any impact on diverse and vulnerable communities.
Joint Independent Audit Committee – Volunteers provide independent assurance on the adequacy and effectiveness of governance, risk, and financial management arrangements.
Independent Panel Members – Volunteers form part of a police misconduct hearing panel in order to ensure that the views of the public are considered during gross misconduct proceedings brought against Humberside Police officers.
There will be the chance to speak to the scheme managers and existing volunteers about the role they undertake, to find out how volunteering benefits them.
If you are interested and would like to attend the event, please email
There are limited spaces available, so book now to secure your place.