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28th July 2021
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29th July 2021Befriending

Are you feeling lonely and would like to talk to someone for a chat?
There are lots of organisations in Hull that offer a Befriending service, check out the below information:
Age UK Hull – Telephone Befriending Service
This service offers Telephone Befriending support for people aged 50 or over living in Hull and the East Riding. Our volunteer Befrienders provide a regular, friendly phone call to help reduce the impact of isolation and rebuild confidence. The telephone calls also allow the older person to enjoy general conversation on subjects that interest them and help prevent the feelings of loneliness.
Calls can be weekly or fortnightly. Self-referral or referred by practitioner via referral form which can be accessed by getting in touch with our Befriending team. 01482 324644 or hello@ageukhull.org.uk Hull
Age UK Hull – Good Neighbour Scheme
NB currently unavailable due to COVID19 please refer to telephone befriending Service above for support – The Good Neighbour Scheme offers Home Visiting Befriending to support individuals aged 50 or over who live in Hull and the East Riding. Our volunteer Befrienders provide regular friendship visits with the aim of reducing the impact of social isolation. The visits also allow the older person to enjoy general conversation on subjects that interest them and help prevent the feelings of loneliness.
Visits can be weekly or fortnightly Self-referral or referred by practitioner 01482 324644 or hello@ageukhull.org.uk Hull
Smile Foundation – The Dost Project
Befriending, wellbeing, and signposting for the BAME communities in East Riding, Hull, North Lincolnshire, and North East Lincolnshire.
Self-referral or referred by practitioner via referral form which can be accessed by getting in touch with our Befriending team. 01482 215929 (option 2).
email: dost@heysmilefoundation.org
Mind Hull and East Riding – Together Bereaved by Suicide Service
The service is available to anyone who has been bereaved, witness to or affected by a suicide. Our service users are matched with a trained volunteer who acts as a listening ear. The service user has the opportunity to tell their story and process their thoughts and feelings surrounding their experience without fear of judgement or stigma to someone impartial. Our service is predominantly telephone based, however we are starting to look at going back to face to face support as COVID restrictions ease if the service user prefers this. The support session can be weekly/fortnightly depending upon what the service user would prefer and support can be up to an hour at a time. Available at a time that suits both the volunteer and service user that fits around other commitments e.g. work, childcare etc.
We can accept a referral from external agencies such as GP, CAHMS, Mental Health community workers, self-referrals. Call 01482 240133 or info@heymind.org.uk
Home-Start (Hull) Befriending
We recruit, train and manage volunteers who have parenting experience to support families in Hull with at least one child under five. The support is both practical and emotional. Home-visits are once a week for 2-3 hours. During lockdown the support has been via phone once a week or a socially distanced meet up in the park or families garden.
The support is coordinated by a paid worker and the family can have support for as long as they want and need it and have a child under five. Between 9-5, Monday-Friday. Once a week for 2-3 hours at a time to suit the family and volunteer. Anyone can refer a family as long as they have their permission to do so and we also encourage self-referrals. “Call the office on 01482 324063 or admin@homestarthull.org.uk.
Hull Churches Home from Hospital Service – Adult Reablement Service
A free 6-week re-ablement service supporting adults with practical and emotional support when discharging home from hospital. The practical support we offer is arranging key safes, lifeline, shopping, changing of the anti-embolism stockings, full benefits check if applicable, with their agreement. In addition, we offer befriending to help combat loneliness, which is sometimes a factor when elderly clients are readmitted to hospital. If a client is willing and able, we encourage them to participate in local social clubs or events by signposting them on to any relevant activities that are suitable to their needs.
Weekly visit to their home or telephone call for 6 weeks Self Referral/ GP/ Acute Trust/ Social Services/ Third Party agencies e.g. Connectwell etc Ring 01482 447673 option 1 or email coordinator@hchfh.org.uk
Hull Churches Home from Hospital Service – HeadLight Project
The project supports and reinforces positive mental wellbeing through introduction to shared activities and information: such as music, reminiscence, activities, poetry, gentle exercise, socialising with others etc. All to rebuild and promote self-esteem and allow access to readymade new networks. Develop skills and understanding to maintain and improve mental wellbeing
10th August 2021/ Every Thursday for 6 weeks/ 10.30 am – 12 pm then rolling programmes thereafter Self Referral Ring 01482 447673 option 1 or email coordinator@hchfh.org.uk
Hull Churches Home from Hospital Service – Confident Friends Support Project (TBC)
“NB Only just commissioned – We aim to provide two elements to this support. A befriending and emotional support element, which includes visits to the homes and group activity to build confidence and encourage the most reluctant to venture out.Alongside this we aim to provide a structured group experience utilising a voice coach to help tackle anxiety, isolation and vulnerability.
Available to citizens of the City of Hull. Anticipated 25 people over 12 months = 300 people in total. Start date/ Days/ times TBC Self Referral Ring 01482 447673 or email administrator@hchfh.org.uk
Regional Driving Assessment Centre – RDAC Transport Hub
NB Not necessarily a befriending project but do aim to reducing social isolation and loneliness . We offer over the phone and some face to face contact to help people overcome transport problems which prevent them from accessing their community Our service is open Monday to Friday 8.30-4.30 Self referral or through health professionals 0300 300 2240
Tigers Trust – Tigers Team Mates project
The type of work we do is providing any support for people feeling isolated in a way that would suit them best. For some it has been our befriending phone call service where we call the participants either weekly, twice a week, each day… It depends on the person’s needs. We have also provided a delivery service for shopping and library books for those who don’t feel like they could risk leaving their home or are not capable. We also do garden gate visits and befriending walks as. These could be individually or within a group of people. Plus, virtual activities like quizzes and a Friday morning chat about Hull city and football in general.
Service is available 5 days a week from Monday to Friday. Self referal /referral Email: Abdul.rahman@tigerstrust.co.uk
Enquiry Form – https://www.tigerstrust.co.uk/activities-courses/adults/tigers-team-mates/ Hull and East Riding
Re-engage – Re-engage’s Call companion service
Call companions is a free service for older people who live alone and feel they would enjoy a friendly phone call every week or two. at an agreed time between the volunteer and older person, usually once a week for 30 minutes. self referral, family member or referrer https://www.reengage.org.uk/refer/ info@reengage.org.uk; 0800 716543;
HEY Smile Foundation – CallER Collective
CallER Collective offers telephone befriending, a weekly chat is organised for a beneficiary with a CallER Collective volunteer. The service is available for anyone living in Hull or East Riding who is feeling lonely or isolated and would benefit from having a friendly chat. Not suitable for residents who already have a strong network of family, friends and support and who are able to integrate and socialise within their community. The volunteer calls the beneficiary and arranges a mutually convenient time to call.
The calls last for a minimum of 6 weeks, after 6 weeks we will review the match and the calls may continue for a further period of time. “Residents can refer themselves by ringing 01482 215929 (press option 1).
We ask our partners to make referrals via our online form: CallER: Referral Form (office.com)
” 01482 215929 (option 1) – callercollective@heysmilefoundation.org East Riding & Hull
Stroke Association – ‘Here for You’ telephone support service
This service is free and available to all stroke survivors and their carers, regardless of location. It offers: Trained volunteer telephone support with a matching service to ensure the service user receives the right support with signposting to additional support where required. A weekly 30-minute call, for up to 3 months. The service can be accessed by calling the Stroke Helpline – 0303 3033 100 or signing up via the Stroke Association website – www.stroke.org.uk 0303 3033 100
Hull Libraries – Library Link: Call & Chat
A telephone befriending service for any Hull residents who are feeling lonely or isolated. Volunteers and staff will call on a regular basis to have a chat. Calls will continue for as long as the client wants them. The same caller rings each time so that a supportive relationship can develop. All callers are fully trained to signpost to other services if required and to escalate any safeguarding issues or concerns.
Calls can be weekly, fortnightly or monthly. Normally weekdays but can be at weekends if necessary. 01482 331254 library.link@hcandl.co.uk 01482 331254 library.link@hcandl.co.uk
Welcome to English
Welcome to English Helping (adult) English language learners to practise English, make new friends and find out about living in Hull. Most participants are refugees or asylum seekers, but everyone is welcome. We work remotely and/or face-to-face (Marvell House, HU31PP) with individuals or small groups. We also help other organisations to work with our participants. We have a weekly Zoom timetable and face to face timetable. Those working remotely one-to-one can agree a time with their befriender. self-referral / referral Karen 07791 530039; karenvandiesen@outlook.com Hull
St Stephens Neighbourhood Centre – Sing a long a lunch
A group of isolated elderly and disabled meet up (was over Zoom/Skype now had our first in house for lunch) for a quiz or bingo, a sing song and a natter. Currently this is happening on a Friday lunch but can be at a lunchtime on any day subject to the members vote. Weekly Self referal /referral Mike or Jennie on 01482 781223/07927635133 Hull
Sight Support – Sight Support Telephone Befriending Service
The Sight Support Telephone Befriending Service is designed to reduce the feeling of isolation to anyone with sight loss living in Hull and the East Riding by providing regular, friendly phone calls from one of our trained volunteers. Most of the telephone befrienders are also visually impaired and therefore understand many of the problems and hurdles facing people with VI on a daily basis. The service user is matched with a volunteer befriender and there is no cap on how long the befriendee can receive the calls.
Calls are arranged at a time to suit the befriendee but generally Monday – Friday between the hours of 9am and 5.00pm. People can refer themselves by contacting Sight Support on 01482 342297. Partner Organisations can refer people into the service in the same way. “Karen Dunderdale, Telephone Befriending Coordinator, Sight Support Hull & East Yorkshire, 01482 342297
Guide Dogs – My Sighted Guide
My Sighted Guide” for people living with sightloss. The free service matches a filly trained volunteer with a visually impaired person to help them get out and about, accessing places or services they would otherwise struggle to reach. The focus of the service is mobility, but there is a befriending element to it because the client is matched with the same volunteer for each visit.
Bespoke Self Refer- Complete our short form or call us on 0800 781 1444. 0800 781 1444 National
MHA Communities Hull & East Riding – MHA Befriending
MHA Befriending “In a nutshell our befriending services for people aged 55+ in Hull & ER.
Telephone befriending; Weekly Zoom group; and Tablet loaning project.
Bespoke Telephone support/ Weekly Zoom Group Referral Form Tel: 01482 561211 E-mail: HullandEastRiding@mha.org.uk