Saturday Keep Fit and Yoga sessions
7th September 2023Hull: ‘It’s a set-up!’ Third-strike burglar’s bizarre excuse for climbing through window!
8th September 2023Community Craft & Creative Art Courses!
If you’re interested in crafting with others or wanting to embellish your creative side, these will be perfect for you!
With Jubilee Life College, they’re hosting FREE 10-week courses, where you’ll be able to meet new friends and new skills. These sessions will run at the Orchard Centre, HU6 9BX.
The Community Craft course will start on Wednesday 20th September, and will run from 10am – 12pm. Also, the Creative Art courses will start on Friday 22nd September, and will also run from 10am – 12pm.
For enrolment, email or call 01482 328196.