Employment support from Unity in Community
9th August 2024Rainbow Community Garden quarterly newsletter is here!
9th August 2024Community Grants for Older People in GB
The McCarthy Stone Foundation offers grants to community organisations for projects to improve the health and wellbeing of older people over the age of 65 years in Great Britain, particularly in areas of deprivation.
Community organisations, registered charities and other groups (including CICs limited by guarantee) working in England, Scotland or Wales with an annual income of less than £250,000, a governing document and a registered bank account may apply now to the Autumn 2024 round.
Organisations must be working with adults over 65 years of age and providing direct person-centred interventions (eg, befriending) or group-based social activity to address loneliness and isolation in deprived areas.
Applications from all areas that can demonstrate a local level of need will be considered. However, priority will be given to applications from specified locations with a key focus on areas where income deprivation and loneliness affecting older people is most acute.
Grants of £7,500 are available for either core costs or projects. Projects must provide either direct person-centred interventions to alleviate loneliness or group-based activity to address social isolation.
This funding does not cover connector or infrastructure services, such as Citizens Advice or Community Transport.
The deadline for applications is 23 August 2024 (17:00).