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6th February 2019Hull City Council review of the current Public Spaces Protection (Alcohol Consumption) (Riverside & Wyke) Order 2016

Deadline 10th February
Hull City Council is required to undertake a review of the current Public Spaces Protection Order (PSPO) which is due to expire in March, 2019.
The Anti-Social Behaviour, Crime and Policing Act 2014 enables Councils to introduce these Orders, after consultation with communities and other interested parties. The Orders must be reviewed every three years to ensure they are still necessary.
What is the PSPO?
The Public Space Protection Order aims to control anti-social behaviour associated with street drinking within the Riverside & Wyke areas of the city.
The Order states consumption of alcohol in all childrens’ play areas and cemeteries within the restricted area is prohibited – these are the only public spaces where the consumption of alcohol is prohibited.
The Public Space Protection Order is not a total ban on drinking in public places (except play areas and cemeteries) but makes it an offence to carry on drinking when asked to stop by a Police Officer. This power should only be used in circumstances where antisocial behaviour is occurring or is likely to occur.
If someone, without a reasonable excuse, fails to comply with the Officer’s request they are committing an offence which can result in a penalty notice or a fine.
Private land is not covered by the legislation governing PSPO’s.
The purpose of this survey is to provide you with an opportunity to express your views on the above options. As such this is an opportunity for you to be consulted and for the views you express, along with those submitted by other interested parties, to be taken into account by the Council in any decisions made.