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5th April 2024Hull – “I’m giving back to a community I grew up in”

A new friendly face, and no stranger to the communities of Newington and Gypsyville in Hull, having successfully completed his training last year. PCSO Alex Macklin has joined the neighbourhood policing team at Pickering Road with the hope of making a real difference to the area he has grown up and worked in his entire life.
Before joining Humberside Police as a PCSO, for 10 years Alex worked in the heart of the community with people from all walks of life at a supermarket on Hessle Road. With ambitions to make a difference to people’s lives and an area he loves, Alex took a leap joining policing and hasn’t looked back since.
Starting his nine hour shift, Alex talked through his ambitions on how he plans to make a difference as the newly appointed PCSO for Newington and Gypsyville in Hull, he said: “When I was told I’d been appointed Newington and Gypsyville as my ward areas, I was over the moon, knowing I now had this opportunity to give back to an area that I’ve grown up in.
“I loved my job in retail, I worked as a security guard, retail assistant and delivery driver that’s why I did it for 10 years. I got to know the customers really well but working with policing and partners to provide community solutions has always fascinated me and there really is no better feeling then knowing I can now somehow help in contributing to that.”
“I know the area, its roots, and the people because I’m from this area and whilst I can use that to my advantage, I’m not naïve in knowing I have a lot of work to do.”
Since joining the team, Alex has been really focusing on what matters to the community visiting schools, carrying out HumberTalking as well as visiting businesses across the area, listening to concerns to really understand how he can help.
He said: “Everyone I’ve spoken to has been really welcoming and helpful providing me with information that will help us police the area.”
“Like all communities, we aren’t immune to crime and from time to time we do experience some issues, whether that be shop thefts, anti-social behaviour related crime or drugs related offending.
“Recently, we have had some of those concerns related to anti-social behaviour which we do tend to see an increase in throughout children’s school holidays. Elderly residents were feeling intimidated by youths on bikes, we stepped up patrols engaged with the children, and this was quickly resolved.”
Alongside getting to know local residents and businesses, Alex has been working really closely with primary schools in the area to educate the next generation of children around the dangers of one punch.
Talking about the scheme Alex said: “Within the neighbourhood policing team, as PCSO’s we are each appointed with primary schools to help support and educate children in the community.”
“In the hope of educating the older children before they head off to high school, I’ve been working with the teachers to help the children understand the consequences of one punch incidents.”
“Naturally when children have disagreements, sometimes they do get into a bit of a scuffle, but we’ve been helping them understand how they can channel that in other ways to verbalise how they’re feeling.”
“Whilst it is a serious conversation it has been important that it has been delivered in the right way, the last thing I would want to do would be to scare anyone and I’m pleased to say, so far it has been well received.”
Alex no doubt has a busy few months ahead and with spring just around the corner hopes to see more of you out and about whilst on his patrols, he said: “If you see me out patrolling, whether that be down the street or visiting businesses in the area. Please come and have a chat with me, I’m keen to meet as many people from the community as possible to make sure I can do everything I can to continue to make the areas of Newington and Gypsyville a place we can all be proud of.”
“I’m giving back to a community I grew up in” | Humberside Police