Community Safety Fund Round 5 – Now Open!
22nd August 2024
Thirty-two vehicles checked and man arrested following Rural Task Force roadside checks
22nd August 2024Hull City Council Evening & Night Time Economy Survey

This survey is part of a conversation around the evening and night-time economy (ENTE) in Hull city centre.
Hull City Council want to promote a city centre where people both feel safe and are safe.
To do this, they want to hear from you to understand your perceptions and views and / or experiences about Hull city centre during the evening and night-time.
This will help them to work together to create a safer, and more vibrant evening and night-time economy for those who live, work, visit or study in Hull.
All of your answers will be confidential, and none of them will be tied back to you. At the end there are some questions about you – these are used for analysis purposes only. There is also a space for you to leave your contact information. If you do leave your contact information, this will be removed before analysis, will stored be securely and will not be shared with anyone else.
Please note that some of the questions you are asked in this survey depend on your previous answers. It may mean you will see a question change on your screen – this is supposed to happen and it is not a fault with your survey.
This survey closes on 16th September 2024
To take part in the survey, click here.