Last AM Social Club for the Summer!
28th June 2024
Service Support Officer for Hull City Council
28th June 2024What a busy Month of Community for Neighbourhood Network

As June, the Month of Community, comes to a close the Neighbourhood Network team are happy to say that its been a good one as 3 new member groups groups have started up in Hull.
We would like to welcome Mollison Road Neighbourhood Watch, Stroud Crescent East Neighbourhood Watch and 3 c’s Yap & Yarn to Neighbourhood Network!
-Here’s why Mr Rosser has started a NHW group down Mollison Road.
Glenn was keen to start a Neighbourhood Watch group as a neighbour had dealt with thieves breaking into their garage, and he wanted to make other residents aware of this enabling them to sufficiently protect their property. Through starting a Neighbourhood Watch group this will help to increase safety awareness in the area in a hope to reduce any crime down the street. Mr Rosser is looking to get the local residents more involved & connected with each other & in making their area more safe.

-We also have Stroud Crescent East NHW. This group have actually re-formed as the co-ordinators have seen changes in the area and noticed that there are many new faces in the street. Mr & Mrs Batehup thought it would be good to feel connected as a community and decided that a Whats App group could work well to keep neighbours informed of any suspicious activity around the area and to also help keep an eye on one and others properties should the owners be away.

-The newest member is now 3’cs Yap & Yarn group.
It all started for the Yap & Yarn group in the Bransholme chatroom, where they wanted to put on a session for people who wanted to knit, crotchet and have a chat, and since then it’s grown from there!
They now host sessions at numerous venues across mostly Bransholme, including the Alf Marshall Community Centre, and the aim of the group is to bring people together, for members to meet new people and mix socially, stop isolation & loneliness, all whilst learning how to knit or crotchet.

The NN team have also hosted the annual Humber Watch association event empowering Neighbourhood Watch Co-ordinators and members across the Humber region to come together and share stories of any issues they are facing within their communities. This event was attended by all 4 force areas along with the Humberside Police & Crime Commissioner, Jonathan Evison, Cheryl Spruce from National Neighbourhood Watch Network association and Sgt Kevin Jones from Humberside Police.

Lastly, for June, the NN team hosted the HU7 Health & Wellbeing event alongside CHCP NHS Community Champions to promote the many health & wellbeing services available in Hull. This event saw many stalls from the sector giving an opportunity to access valuable health resources and connect with professionals who can help you on your health journey. With sessions of Tai Chi, healthy cooking and line dancing the day was a great success!

If you would to get involved with any of these groups or you’re looking at starting up a group of your own then don’t hesitate to email office@nnetwork.org.uk or call 01482 826061 to be connected and receive support.