Legacy Investigation and Victim Support
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9th January 2025Fathers Perinatal and Infant Mental Health Multi-Agency Awareness Workshop
IHV are bringing this workshop that’s designed for anyone who works with Fathers and Partners around fathers’ mental health care perinatally, to support practitioners to develop the mindset and skills required to work effectively with Fathers, Partners, and their families in the perinatal period, to promote good emotional health, offer evidence-based assessment and support, and know when to refer on to other services.
Venue – Priory Family Hub:
Priory Road
Date & time – 26 February 2025 – 9.15 – 12.15 (16 places)
Participants will develop an understanding of:
- the mental health of fathers in the perinatal period
- the impact it can have for the developing baby, father, mother, co-parent and wider family and society.
- it will enable participants to develop father inclusive practice/ services, promoting the “Think Family” approach and the skills required to foster good paternal, infant and family mental health.
Learning Outcomes:-
- Be able to articulate why good paternal mental health is important for the whole family.
- Appreciate the role of the father in the context of today’s society and how this can impact on engaging with services.
- Understand the importance of good mental health to support the transition to parenthood.
- Have an increased awareness of the common myths around fatherhood and how these can be challenged using contemporary research and policy.
- Appreciate the effects and impact of paternal mental illness on the father, mother, co-parent, infant and child across the life course, including the father-infant and wider family relationships.
- Be aware of the range of perinatal mental health conditions and be able to recognise and assess clinical features of the most common paternal mental illnesses.
Please use Oracle to book your place or for external staff please email LearningandDevelopment@hullcc.gov.uk